Friday, April 25, 2008


Probably the last 21st Apr......with us all together.
A day that holds the sweetest memories with my bestest friends of college days...
A snap that holds us all together....sp just the ones I want we would be!
I would cherish every memory of today, for years ahead.


The mystery of the extra NNNN's.....
and how it all started....

Firstly, among the good old days or us reciting the punk...azzz ....adds :D
To top it over our proficiency to have learnt it by heart....
but for all the extra NNNzz, it was my way of saying the peculiar words.....out of the inherited ..lucknavi nazaakat of saying 'em.......

Monday, April 7, 2008

The foto day out....

Don't remeber the last time....we were all so civilized!!

MyStErY BeHiNd ThE GiggLeS :P

Whhhhhhhhat a crazy day it was,
Mystery behind the smiling jaws,
Story of these neurotic eight,
U'll get to know with no more wait,
Magic that these giggles hold,
Is a friendship like the purest gold :)

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