Hey ..here goes a special big wala congrats to u..
Gunjan for ur selection at FMS!!
Well Done...finally Ms.Pudding *wink*...goes off to delhi now!!
All the best for all that comes your way...
remeber the pic???
Keep Smiling!
The thoughts beneath once told or untold, The voices that echo within the soul, Aiming to reach the sky and find hundred shades of white.
Sitting beside this window pane,
I look down the memory lane.
Starting early one day from home,
To start the journey from seeds I’d sown.
Anxious, eager, excited yet puzzled,
With strangers around how much I snuggled.
But this was the land I was meant to stay,
Only contemplating, I had nothing to say.
But with everyday of something new,
Unknowingly though it started to sew.
The days were happy but sometimes hell,
Or was I the one and only rebel?
Exploring myself with this less known land,
Like the wanderer I had to stand.
The timid girl from a comfy zone,
Shared this life no longer alone.
Unexpected ways in which we all met,
Created a mould for our friendship to set.
Coming across through every bend,
We know this friendship would never end!
God created Fathers,
To protect us when we we’re small,
To correct us from the wrong we do,
And catch us when we fall.
For making us that strong,
To have a heart that’s purest gold,
Though gently forever along.
God created Fathers,
To listen to our dreams,
To aim for those stars above,
And realize them for true.
To always guide us through,
Just like a friend beside,
And someone to look up too.
Yes, God created Fathers,
To depend on them all through,
That’s why a father is loved so much,
Especially one like you!!
To you, on your birthday!
God created sisters,
And he thought of you and me,
Not only, as I coveted,
Much more you’ve seemed to be,
Even before this child was planned,
I wonder did he see,
Not one, but two he wanted it,
To make it beautifully three.
These little eyes had barely known,
The treasure that was you,
From learning how to walk or talk,
And someone to look up too,
The six years then, to twenty now,
You’ve still been the same,
This bond that we have always shared,
Is more than just its name.
To me you’ve been,
A thought away, yet forever along,
The distance keeps you far apart,
But the heart is where you belong,
The pace at which I was meant to grow,
Wish it could be somewhat fast,
To have more time to spend with you,
And memories that would last.
The pride to call you our precious gem,
Is what I mean to say,
The gifted star to the family,
In every possible way,
You’ve got to live a hundred years,
Now that god has made you mine,
It’s what I say with every word,
Or call it every line.
We’d part only to meet again,
The wackiest of all, utterly insane,
A flock of crazy neurotic mates,
Sardonic sighs and exquisite tastes,
Haven’t we really grown up now,
Give it a thought to wonder how.
What will it be I’d miss the most,
Those birthday decors when we were the hosts,
The hostel nights, the crazy fights,
The coffee breaks, the munchy flakes,
The noodle hours, the junky jars,
The messy racks, we sulked to clean,
The HOOLIGAN LAND, in short I mean.
The ghar ka khana, the sequence of nahana,
The multi cuisine treats jab shimla jana,
When minors dawned, our books would haunt,
Those sleepless nights, the midnight heights,
Those feedback blues, the study hues,
A lifetime shared in our hostel years,
So much to cherish, memories and cheers!
When we had come to this less known land,
Unexpectedly thou we held our hands,
Here’s still a year that comes ahead,
The days would pass so quickly instead,
Facets that life will get to show,
And time to WORK with friends and foe.
In spite of every different direction,
We’d always have an intersection,
When distance gets you far apart,
You only got to look in your heart,
Not kiddies’ years but the threshold now,
Beautifully threaded is our friendship somehow!!!!!
Copyright © Underkurrents